It is a very good

Friday! Not only is the new Hauntcast out....they have a cool new website (which I believe our friend and fellow haunter Guy over at House Bloodthorn has something to do with :) ) that you have to check out, but best of all.....I know, how can this possibly be any better?.....our good friends Tina "The Baroness" and Tim "The Barron" Reuwsaat are the featured home haunters who run Darkwing Manor are featured in this episode!! Yeah!!! We loves them!!!

Husband and I were fortunate to meet these local (well in the same state) haunters in Denver when we were attending (our first) Hauntcon (Like I keep saying, this is one of the best reasons to go to Hauntcon!) Funny how you travel all the way to another state to meet someone in your own back yard. :D We were in line to get into an haunt and we overheard someone say "Ashland". Our ears perk up...we know Ashland, it is a town in Southern Oregon that we visit a couple times a year for the Shakespeare Festival to check out some plays and visit all of the great wineries in the area.

So we introduce ourselves and find that they have been haunting forever and they are good friends with Leonard Pickel who puts on the convention. After talking we learn that they know Steve Koontz, who owned the haunt down the road from us, who we met on the plane ride over and that their son Cody worked for him....small world.

We became fast friends and have been lucky enough to visit and stay at their house several times, even after we tried to flood their house on one particular visit :D We will be down their way again this May, and likely see them at FFNW and West Coast Haunters Convention, and as a special added bonus they are one of the couples that are heading over to Scotland to stay in the castle with us!! They are the coolest people!

BTW - they have a permanent sign in their yard that says "Darkwing Manor" - how cool is that....a permanent sign is on the Frog Queen Follies list! And as they said on the podcast - Husband does covet those flaming pumpkins.....I am happy to say I will likely get something like that this year!! So I owe them one! :D

They have an amazing haunt and I could not be happier to hear them featured on the latest Hauntcast. They have to be some of the most dedicated haunt people I know, their lovely house is decorated all year long...definitely an inspiration to husband and I. Great people that husband and I are proud to call friends. As I have said in previous posts....I want to be Tina in my next....or :D


  1. Very cool story and cooler that you are friends! Great interview by the way.


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