I expect to

see a horde of demons or dragons crawling out of that...

That is not (likely) photoshop...it is actually a sink hole in Guatemala that was allegedly caused by a busted sewer pipe....wow, now that is scary!


  1. Is it just me, or does that look like it could be a portal to the underworld or worse...hell! I would say far away from that thing...yikes!

  2. Please don't dis-own me for saying this...
    Can you imagine a horde of spiders, with one HUGE Mama spider crawling out of that.

    ::: walks to corner to put self in time-out :::

  3. We saw that photo too. Isn't that something! Doesn't say much for the infrastructure in that country.

  4. I think late at night if you crawl up close you can hear giggling from way down below...

  5. I think I heard about this the other day. That hole is huge and creepy!

  6. I saw that photo as well.
    I wonder how many people have fallen in since it was created? It isn't fenced off or even cordoned off with Yellow Tape! The yellow tape also has the added bonus of keeping monsters from getting out...

  7. I know what you mean... and I'm always a little dissapointed that the dragons or Krakin didn't come out of something like that! That's why we have halloween, cause life is realy quite boring!

  8. No, not spiders....noooooooo!!!!!



  9. That hole scares the crap out of me - nothing good can come of that. Or out of that.


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