Sometimes we even impress

ourselves :D

This is the new video effect we created for 2010.  It is a singing statue, inspired by the Leota statue at the exit of the Haunted Mansion.

The statue is one of what we call our multi media pieces (we use both foam and monster mud techniques).  It is supposed to look like it is an unfinished sculpture - with just the head and part of the upper body completed.

The song that she sings is a edited version of "The House is Haunted" originally recorded by Mel Torme.  A good friend of ours, singer, actor, writer (retired newscaster) Margie Boule' was kind enough to record the song for us with the help of her good friend Steve who created the music track helped us record the finished version....which is amazing. 

The first time we heard it we went....."well that just moved our haunt up a few notches....we are going to have to work harder to keep up! :D"

We then filmed Margie in ghost makeup (she had been a ghost in a production a few years ago) and then husband edited it for the projector.

So here is a close up of the singing bust from our 2010 display.  The video does really not do justice to how great it looked in the yard.  Wish all of you could have been there to see it :)  This will have to do.


  1. that is the coolest thing ever... ever... reminds me of that thing they have at disney... very impressive... most impressive.

  2. Now that is impressive. If I had that I'd have to watch it every night of my haunt at least once. You guys did a hell of a professional job on this prop. I'd like to hear Chris B and you guys talk about it on Hauntcast.

  3. I think you just pissed of every one who does a the same as you.... because there is NO WAY they are going to beat that!!!! F A N T A S T I C!!!!!

  4. that was simply amazing...and she has such a lovely voice--perfect!

  5. WOW!

    Wow! Wow! Wow! I'm so TOTALLY blown away by this!!! Probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen at a home haunt...or any haunt for that matter!! Words fail me...

    Oh, and the recording is absolutely amazing! I'd seriously LOVE to have that version to listen to on my iPod. It would be part of my Halloween mix, no doubt about it! Her voice is...well...haunting! Just a completely stunning effect, all the way around!

  6. Bravo! It is very hard to come up with something that is both "classy and creepy" at the same time. That is a timeless ghost, and the song is terrific as well.

  7. That really is cool. Haunting too!

  8. I love how you have two different elements with your haunt.
    Old School static props and tomb stones, mixed in with new school killer props with up-to-date technology. Chris you and your Hubby are truly Halloween Gods!!!

  9. Truly spooky yet beautiful effect. Really impressive. Bravo!

  10. Very impressive, haunting and beautiful. You do the greatest props!

  11. Wow!! That was incredible! Kudos on another fabulous prop.

  12. Holy moly! That effect must just scare the BEJEEZUS out of people! BRAVO!

  13. Just wonderful, as always! I have crushing yard envy, now, thanks so very much!

  14. I agree with everyone - Amazingly creepy and beautiful!


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