I like Milwaukie

some days more than other days.  This last Saturday was one of those "like" days.

I was helping out our local haunt (hee) Wine:30 with a charity auction of the local children's services division.  They had received donations from lots of business in the town, restaurants, hairdressers, dentists, and....Dark Horse Comics.

For those of you that don't know Dark Horse Comics owns Things From Another World (among other things) a chain of comic and specialty stores.  They carry all kinds of cool stuff.  So whenever they donate....you get the coolest stuff!!

So not only did I spend three evenings (up very late) but most of the day Saturday helping with all the back end stuff (bid sheets, bid paddles, etc.) and donating lots of items including two sets of Tiffany wine glasses, both in the boxes and both in blue bags :)

They were the hit of the auction...oh, I am getting distracted again.

Anyway....this really does sorta get Halloween related, I promise.

I also purchased a few things as gifts.....and two things for me.

Dark Horse donated a limited edition Skeleton DOMO!!!!!!  Oh, that so had to be mine....no doubt about it.

They also donated the first two hard cover volume reprints of Creepy. Oh yeah, don't even think of bidding on those people......

I won both the items....I thought about maybe giving one of them away on my blog.....but no, sorry everyone, I am going to keep them.  You will just have to admire them from a distance :D

Okay, now I feel bad for making a point about all that....but I am just so happy I have to share.

Since I feel so bad....tell you what.  I have one left over Tiffany wine glass. Classic wine glass in the box.  I will give it away to one winner (US only) who comments on this blog.  We will end the drawing on December 21, so that I can send it out priority mail on the 22nd so the winner to receive it in time for Christmas.

Girls (most of you) know you want one, even if it is just for the box.  And guys, if you score this for your wife/partner/girlfriend you will score major brownie points for that, trust me.

Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas.


  1. Clearly, that Tiffany wine glass must be mine, so I can fill it with the local Barbera. Over and over again.


  2. I have a framed "CREEPY" mag my husband got for my birthday. It's the 1970 yearbook which is the year I was borned.
    LOL! I now must be cool like you and aquire these awesome books.
    I'd love a fancy schmancy glass to sip my sleighride (champagne and cran juice)from Christmas morning! Please enter me in your giveaway.

    P.S. I mailed out your goodies yesterday. Thanx!

  3. That domo is all kinds of awesome..That had to be a lot of fun despite the work.
    Sign me up for a chance at that wineglass- you can drink whiskey from wineglasses right? lol.

  4. Since you are not going to raffle to Domo, can I at least have a cuddle with it every now and then when I come over? :D

  5. I want the Creepy Hardcover but seeing as how my wife wouldnt want that I guess I will comment on the fancy glass but if you change your mind on the Creepy hardcovers thats cool to. I love this blog always makes me laugh.

  6. Oooooh, I'd love to be entered for the Tiffany wine glass.

    P.S. Love your blog, it's always an entertaining read. ^-^

  7. I don't have a need for the wine glass, but it would make a nice present for a really neat friend of mine.

  8. I could use the brownie points..lol.
    Thanks for doing this.

    No spiders included, I assume?

  9. Oooohhhh....I would love the Tiffany wineglass! Hope I'm not too late to enter!

  10. Oh this would be PERFECT for my mom for a late Christmas present (or on time depending on shipping lol)

  11. Oh my gosh, I almost missed this! Yikes!!! That will teach me to get behind on my blog reading during the holidays!!!!!!!

  12. Dang it! I've been doing too much actual work this week and not enough blog reading!


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