OMG! There is a huge

frinkin' spider in my yard. ( I know what some of you were thinking... :)

Okay spiders....seriously, LEAVE ME THE *&^# ALONE!!!!

Oh, wait, you are a prop.....I thought you were here to eat my other eye!!! He is the spider we created hanging from one of the Birch trees in the front yard....he is four feet tall. (shudder)

Anyway, here is the new spider prop, it nothing short of amazing. Each leg is sculpted by hand....they took hours and hours to make.

My picture sucks...I am waiting for my friend Marci - the famous Davis Graveyard photographer to catch the real essence....cause when I see that picture, I won't be able to sleep at night.....those legs are just creeping me out!!!

Not to mention the eight glass eyes he has too....not getting close enough to take a picture....yes, I am a coward and I am fine that!

Happy Halloween everyone!

The Davis Graveyard is almost ready!!!


  1. For someone who's deathly afraid of spiders, you sure do know how to create a scary @$$ one!

  2. that spider freaked my daughter out big time!! lol!!

    just so you know, and because you said you had some email issues sometimes, i got your email and YES, I'D LOVE TO! just let me know! :)

    ok.. back to looking at all your great pictures! :)

  3. So no comment about the plastic spider warning...? ;o)

  4. Must you insist with the spiders? You won't rest until you have given us all nightmares will you! Actually, I'm still trying to recover from the spider legs in the eye post...ha!

    Happy 1st Day of October Graveyard Queen! :o)

  5. Wow! That spider look very realistic. Give my congratulations to all the people who worked on it. They did an incredible job!

  6. That is a great spider. The whole yard is amazing.

  7. Stunning.


    Easily the finest prop spider I've ever seen.

  8. Oh Shellhawk....I your post is coming up tomorrow :)

  9. Diane! - Yeah, I will definately email you when I get home. Thanks so much!!


  10. He looks right at home. And ready to eat small children.

  11. Ghoul Friday....I sure hope so, that is why we built him :D


  12. WOW! The legs are incredible looking, shoot the whole thing is incredible looking. Could you imagine accidentally walking up on that thing out in the woods, I'd have a heart attack from running so hard!

  13. That is by far the scariest spider I have seen. Keep it away from me - please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. You guys really outdid yourselves Mrs D! It looks fantastic now that it finally has a place in the graveyard, I just hope it is rain and dew resistant!


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