You guys are killing me!

Okay, it is official the National Haunters Convention is the same week as HAuNTcon.

What!!?? Really? Seriously, people what are you thinking? I know scheduling events is a lot of work and it might have been the only dates you could get.....but not good.

One is in Pennsylvania, the other is in Florida. Not even a chance I could get to both.

I am already committed to and always enjoy Hauntcon, but I am concerned over vendors and haunters....who is going to which event? Many of the haunters I know are closer to the NHC than Hauntcon in Florida.

My friends Dick (from Voices from Hell), Mike (from Haunted New England/Bad Boys Scenic Design) and Pam live up that way, so the NHC will be closer for them. And I am sure there is a blog friend or two up that way that I could meet up with.

In Florida, there are the Wolfe Brothers (who live in Florida) then there is Disney and Universal....that is a big draw. And I know I know a few blogger friends down that way too.

I guess it is going to depend on where the vendors and haunt friends (lots of them I know and want to see again) will be. Husband and I are going to put some feelers out and see what the word is on the street.

At this rate, we are beginning to think we just bag both conventions and just head to Scotland for a couple weeks after Halloween. I am thinking of renting a castle again....anyone want to join me? You will love it, Edinburgh has the best ghost tours!! If we plan it right, we can see two tours a night!!


  1. RENT a CASTLE?!? I didn't even know that was possible!!!

    Sounds amazing =)

  2. That would be so unbelievably cool! I might actually have to save for that!


    You guys are way too cool.

  4. We live near where Hauntcon is going to be in 2010. Well, close enough to be there in an hour or so. If you do FL we'll have to swing by to say hi. The castle is unfortunately not in our budget. Only castle we'll get to visit this year is in the middle of a theme park.

  5. I know you don't even know me, and I just found this post, but renting a castle in Scotland? If you need more people, I'm IN! What a Haunt Jaunt that would make!!!!!!!!


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