It is raining gifts!!!

I met TrickorTreat - the wonderful blogger over at Midnight in the Garden of Evil at West Coast Haunters Convention.  She is a lovely lady....even took one of our tombstone classes.  (We had to break her tombstone into 3 pieces to get it in her suit case!*)

Best part of the meeting is that she surprised me with a couple lovely gifts!  One of them was the book Wicked Plants!  Being a big gardener (when I am not working on props) this book is perfect for me.....and because she is a uber nice person, she got it autographed.....and inscribed "To the Frog Queen" :D

Very, very happy frog queen!

Thank you so much for the book, by the time I met her it has been a busy couple months and I was running ragged....this book made me feel very special.  Thank you!.

Oh, I did say presents......she also gave me a signed copy of "wicked Bugs" - which we are giving away over at the Haunted Gardens Blog....go check it out and leave a comment to be part of the drawing.


  1. I'm glad you are enjoying it. You certainly deserve a treat, after all the inspiration and encouragement you provide to the rest of us in your comments.

  2. Hey Frog Queen! I went to the site to try and enter a comment for the giveaway but Blogger's acting up and won't let me. I think it sure is a neat book and so glad yuou got an autographed copy. And had so much fun at your convention. :)

  3. Wicked lovely, I better go and check her out. You know how I love anything wicked. Congrats on the wonderful gifts!

  4. Aren't you the Lucky Queen!
    I will have to check these books out.

  5. Books on plants are fantastic gifts!


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