So I was sitting in my office

minding my own business, grabbing a few files to take back to work when all of a sudden my computer starts reading my emails.

"But", I hear you say, "the computer is supposed to read the emails. Silly frog queen."

Not by itself it is not. :)

Seriously, the pointer is running around the screen scrolling and clicking through email .....

......all by itself. 

The motionless mouse glances over as to say "not me queenie, are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Oh sweet! My computer is haunted!

Is that not the coolest thing!? My very own ghost!

A bit creepy granted, but this is going to make the best blog post EVER!

Then I remember that husband installed a remote control program on my system so that he could check our emails on my computer from his computer in the basement.

He was just reading the emails.......Sh*t! 

No ghost.

Sometimes technology ruins all the fun :(


  1. That wouldn't fly in my house. I would think I was being hacked every time he remoted in.

    I could hear it now, "Honey, please plug the network cable back in to your computer, it was just me."

  2. Kinda like the organ in The Ghost & Mr. Chicken playing by itself, when really it was Mr. Kelsey playing the tuning keyboard under the pipes.

    A fine Hallowe'en moment for you (and your mouse!).

  3. I think you might need to haunt Jeff back...

  4. let's say ghost... and then you heard a scream...


  5. You had me there, then technology ruined the plot.

  6. Haha, that would freak me out! Good thing it was hubby too and not some hacker.

  7. LOL too funny!!! Hope your summer is rocking! Hugzzz


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