Look over here

at this bit of shiny!!

To distract you from the fact that I have not posted how to create the video effects for the ghost. No reason really...just busy. I mean I had to get my nails done last night and I got the new girl and she took FOREVER and I got home really late and. . . . . . :) was that distracting enough :D

Anyway, a really long time ago I promised you all that if we won the Home Haunters Association Yard Haunt of the year that I would give away all the prizes as a thank you. By now you were likely thinking...that frog queen is a lying little cow :D

Well, not on purpose at least. The truth is that we have not received many of the prizes....I know who to ask about them and he is my friend.....so I have had a hard time bring up in conversation....oh, and by the way. Where is our stuff?

Well what I wanted to do was mention it in person...but we did not go to Hauntcon so now I need to send an email and ....oh, I got distracted that time....anyway. I don't plan on seeing the rest of the items anytime soon.

So, here are the few that I did get. Thanks to the wonderfully talented Mitchell's and Midnight Syndicate for donating these prizes. We love your stuff, in fact we already own it, that is how much we dig it.

So, as promised....finally, I am giving these away. The usual way to enter. Comment on this post. You can also put this on your blog or Facebook or tweet for an extra entry, just comment here to let me know you did...and BTW - thanks!

Since this giveaway is light on prizes, I will add a few things over the next week. Husband and I will be cleaning up the shop and working on props, so I will see what I can find laying around. Maybe we can cast a foam skull or two :)

I promise that the video post is coming next....really....I will work on it straight away!


  1. i love you, my zombie loves you...

    thanks for all your help! if it is okay i may have more questions... if it is not a bother...

    i will contact you face-boo...


    ps anything i can do for you, please ask...

  2. Okay, nice shiny....where's the video post? Make sure you tell me what kind of projector I need.

  3. iZombie - I would be more than happy to help - you can also email me at chris@davisgraveyard.com.


  4. Alrighty my Spooky Lovelee's. I am commenting, with a side of butter.

    I have blogged your contest http://www.boo-spooky.com/2010/07/01/the-daviss-are-having-a-contest/

    I have Facebook'd your contest http://www.facebook.com/KimilyBooSpookling

    I have Tweeted your contest - Can't find the friggin link.

    Now I am going to cross me fingers, eyes and toes in the hopes that I beat out everyone else to win.

  5. I like shiny!

    *eyes dart around*

    Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Where'd it go?

  6. I know how it is about promising to send stuff and then not doing so (humbly grovels...)
    Cool swag though. I can never have enough cds.

  7. I am new to the blog world but have followed you on FB, One of these days we gotta meet you guys!

  8. COMPLETELY JEALOUS that the Bloodshed Bros got a chance to hang with you and the hubs!!!! Had fun watching their video blogs and about died laughing during the garage sale vids.

    Thanks for bringing their humor and talent to the masses! Cheers!

    -The Roses

  9. Shiny things! I need these. Please count me in! Did I win yet?

    Have a nice weekend and independence day!

  10. Oh oh oh! I want that book! I have wanted it forever!

    Facebooked: http://www.facebook.com/#!/CustomZombie

    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/CustomZombie/status/17655407629

    Thanks so much!

  11. NICE! I'm a Halloween freak myself and would love to enter your contest!
    Thanks for the chance.

  12. I pimped your blog on my facebook!

  13. You have a cool blog here!

    And that's a super generous giveaway. Please count me in if international bloggers are allowed!

    Kisses from Nydia.

  14. Pick me! Pick me!
    Adding this to my tweet and blog over at halloweenoverkill.blogspot.com as well!

  15. That book is awesome, we got it from the library just the other day, I plan on making some moss for my tombstones like in the book.

  16. I would love the book. We have so much fun decorating the house.

  17. Thanks for the giveaway, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com

  18. Awesome give away! Love your site!

    I shared this on my Twitter account (Username: FrightFan)

    Zombie Hayes

  19. Well, I'm new to this, so I'm not sure what I have to do to get a chance to win the prize. But, I can tell you, I have Halloween on the brain! I've been going to yard sales to find wonderful treasures to convert to halloween decorations, and have been having a blast. I had my first annual halloween party last year, and have already started preparing for this years! I'd love a good book, to aid me in my decorating!

    All the best.

  20. The haunted house I used to work for (Netherworld in Atlanta, go check 'em out) sells the Midnight Syndicate cd's in the giftshop, they're awesome. I REALLY want that book. Please enter me in the contest.

  21. I love your blog and would really love this book! And the cd's too!

  22. Look at this face: http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/theskeletonshand/DSCN9132.jpg

    How could you refuse a prize to that? :P

  23. I'm so out of the loop because of school and real life! Sorry I'm late to the party, but I want in please.


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