Thinking about Halloween

can make almost any day better. Case in point.

So yesterday was probably one of the most stressful days at work I have had in a while....been just a crazy time lately (working ridiculous amounts of overtime).  Things did not go as planned (happens) and lots of last minute changes and problem solving.

So when that was over I just wanted to go out with some friends...but I had to make one stop first. 

On the outside of the building it said "David's Bridal" but when I got inside, and was seduced by mountains of pastels and ruffles...I knew something was wrong.

I just could not put my finger on it.

First, pastel pink is the color that my sister has in mind for me.  My sister is also a red head...what was she thinking!  Anyway, her wedding, I will wear what ever she wants me to wear.  This time it is not about me.

Yes, I was scaring myself with how mature I was acting...growing as a person is rather painful, they forget to tell you that :D

Anyway, it my head I am thinking....this will be fun, I will just get this pink dress, take pictures, but it on eBay with a funny story of how I had to buy this pink dress after I have blogged endlessly about how much I detest pink and have the auction end the day after the wedding.  Even if I did not get much for it....I would be entertaining myself, and we all know how much I like to do that :D

Many boring complications ensue and now I am getting a  pale green dress, cause that's "better" (pale pink, pale green - does not matter at this point still as pastel - at least she did not pick out the leopard print dresses!).  Again, not about me....I will wear whatever she wants me to wear.

So when they bring me the "chosen" dress in my size to try on and it is bright orange (of course it is.) Anyway, orange is worse than pink on this red head, it was just stunning :D  Really, my eyes almost burned out of my head.

As this is happening I notice a very scary voice coming from the overhead speakers. 

No way....they are not playing a local radio station in the store!  That is wrong (and illegal) in so many ways.

Anyway, this is exactly when I put my finger on what was wrong about this place!

....if John Tesh (sorry to all you Tesh fans)  is coming through the speakers and I am putting on a satin orange dress.....

I am in hell.

Funny, I thought it would involve spiders :D

At this point I just have to laugh, and let it all go. This day has been just insane and getting weirder by the minute. I am done trying to control what is going on around me, which I should have done at about 11:00 am this morning.

Silly frog queen.  So I do what I normally do when I am feeling overwhelmed.

I think about Halloween is a Halloween color suddenly in my mind this dress turns into this:

And that made me laugh at how crazy I really am.

Went out later that night with friends and had a great time. Got reminded that the cure for a horrible day is laughing at yourself.....and pumpkins. 

Never underestimate the power of a jack o'lantern.


  1. I too am a red head, and suffer many wedding humiliations.... I just did it, then chucked the dress!!!! giggle

  2. Well I too have reddish hair and light green eyes, but I can and do wear orange and purple and gray and black and they all look fine. But I have to draw the line at pastels, pink and red. That being said...I totally love this dress and would wear it in a heartbeat! :o)

    PS...sorry for your crappy day. Just remember...."this too shall pass"! Or it won't and then your screwed...ha! ;o)

  3. I absolutely believe in the power of pumpkins and Halloween to lift Spirits at any time of year! (Makes me giddy even!)

  4. Two of my favourite things; orange and jack o lanterns! I would so wear that.


  5. Pastels are just wrong, and pumpkins are the answer to the universe. I don't care what they say, it isn't 42- it's pumpkins!

  6. Pink of any type is off my "yes, I can do this" list, I don't care who they are. They could be my beloved son's beloved girlfriend, whom I love enormously. I ain't wearin' pink for no man....or woman. Pink is what they wear in hell, if there is such a place.

    Pale green I would do. And Orange I would be ALL OVER.:D Not a red head, though. My hair is dark chocolate brown. And about 20% grey. LOL

    "Everyone hail to the Pumpkin song..."!!

  7. Pumpkins are definitely the cure for a bad day. Pumpkin pie...pumpkin cheesecake...pumpkin ice cream...pumpkin ice cream and Kahlua and Bailey's Irish Cream milkshake...

  8. I must say, you sound as though you handled the whole day admirably! Love your version of the dress. :)


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