They were back

In 2008 we took our grant money and purchased the dancers costumes from Hallows Eve Studios (who appear to be off the radar again.) And we also rented sound equipment so that it was easy for the dances and the neighborhood to hear. Here is the 2008 video.

Every year they are the hit of the graveyard. It is like having rock stars on the property. There is lots of screaming and pushing. A bit overwhelming, but it is a great way to tie our community into the event. They raise money each time they perform, so it is a fundraiser for them also.


  1. That is so much fun! I would be cheering were I there.

  2. GREAT dancers, costumes, and MJ music I hear in there!!! LOVE IT!!! '-)


  3. Very cool! This is a very good idea! Fun to watch too!

  4. Hi Queen...gave you an award. Please check out my blog to pick it up. ^_^

    Take care~

  5. How fun! Yep, you can tell the music is situated better this time.

  6. What is that first song from MJ that begins the routine before Thriller hits? Is that from "Ghosts".

    Awesome dancing there!

  7. OMGoodness!!! This is fabulous!!! I want to come see them. Sign me up as a fan!


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