How could I forget

one of the coolest things that happened at last year's Hauntcon.

I met Lesley Pratt Bannatyne. She is a friend of a friend who was also at Hauntcon and they introduced us. I meet her and desperately tried to come up with something more clever that "love your books!" But that was where we started.

Lucky for me she is a very nice and gracious person. She is genuinely flattered by all the kind words about her writing. Wow, I have to be about the 1,000th person to say the same thing but she treated me like I was the most important person in the room.

I got to sit in the lobby of the hotel for a while the day she left and got to know her a little better and got to show her pictures of our display. She is a lovely lady that I now have the honor of knowing.

I have to say that this is one my favorite memories of that week.

If you do not have at least Halloween: American Holiday, An American History - you should pick it up. It is a great read on the history of Halloween in America. Being a west coast girl all my life, it gave me a great perspective how the holiday migrated across America, and makes me really want to move to an area where Halloween is celebrated instead of so water down as not to offend.

Oh, I have to stop there, cause if you get me on the subject of "harvest festivals" verses "Halloween" we will never get out of here. :D

Back to prop building!


  1. OMG! You're kidding? That's beyond cool.

    Her work is so rad; it kind of makes me want to go back and get a sociology masters, if I could figure out an appropriate thesis.

  2. That's wonderful! I'll have to make a point to get her book. It's in my shopping cart at amazon. :) Becca

  3. Carrie Mae - I hear you. I have been taking notes on my thoughts about how we have taken a truly American holiday and basically stripped it beyond recognition by over sensitizing the issue.

    It is that Harvest Festival/Halloween thing again....obliviously I have a problem with it.

    Likely why it took me so long to make this post....I knew this would come up.

    BTW - She teaches at Harvard. Harvard, Yikees! I know a Harvard professor. Beyond cool!


    Magiklaseasons - get the book, it is cheap, and you will love it!!

    BTW - if you want to help out a fellow blogger. Make sure you purchase your purchase by going through the link at the top of ILHM page

    When you do that, he will get a small kick back (small, but everything helps) for promoting Amazon. No matter what you buy from them, even if you already have an account. Very cool!

    I know, shameless promotion, but I like helping all you bloggers the best I can.

    And sorry for this ridiculously long comment.

    Thanks everyone :)

  4. I have several books on the history of Halloween & I must say this is probably my favorite. It's been awhile since I've read it, I would like to revisit it some time in the near future.
    That's so cool you got to meet her!!

  5. Must get the book. I currently live in an area where Halloween is 'watered down' and find it puts a damper on the season! :0(

  6. Finally making my blog rounds!

    I live in an incredibly conservative area so I get what you mean by a watered down Halloween. :(


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