Congratulations my friends

It is always fun to see who wins these haunt contests, and because I just love seeing what other haunters do I always look forward to watching the videos and being inspired by other haunters.  It is fun when your "favorite" haunt wins.....even better when that haunt happens to be your friends haunt :D

I want to congratulate our friends Mort and the Baron (and there absolutely stellar crew) for winning the Home Haunter Association Yard Haunt of the Year award!!! Woohoo! Unfortunately I have never seen their haunt in person (you all know how that goes). I have seen it in pieces in storage sheds and such, and long time have I coveted their two (real) hearses. We are fortunate enough to call them friends and have talked to them throughout the year over a glass (or two) of wine on their patio, as they prepare for the coming season. We have seen the fantastic videos and pictures. It is amazing, I can only imagine it is astonishing in person.

They have the most amazing (and a little that good way) house I have ever seen. Tina has an amazing eye for detail and mood. Seriously any haunters dream house. :) When I complain that I have a big yard and it takes a lot to fill it......I have nothing on them. I have seen the property and the amount of work that goes into setting something like that up is a daunting thought in comparison.

If you follow the lists, you will know that they often have their share of obstacles to overcome before the show goes on. Mort's responses and sense of humor at handling anything that comes up is constantly an inspiration for the frog queen. Like I have said before I want to be her in my next lifetime :)

Couple that with managing thousands of people that have to park, and then walk through the haunt (which is both in the yard and in part of the house) I absolutely idolize these friends. They raise thousand for charity each year on top of it. Yeah, see why it is no surprise they won. And husband and I could not be happier :)

Darkwing Manor

And congratulations to the second and third place winners. Although I do not know them personally, I do know both of their haunts and they are incredible.

McKamey Manor

Steve's Yard Haunt

If you have not seen their websites (the pictures and video) do yourself a favor and check these out, very deserving winners as well as being inspiring haunters.

And congrats to everyone that partipated. I know that all of us put our heart and soul (and sometimes some other body parts.....unitntentionally of course, I know we have come close a few times! :D ) into your haunts. It is really quite a pleasure to see everyones work.

Here is to 2011......everyone back to prop building.



  1. Congratulations indeed. Well deserved.

  2. I can't exactly say what I thought about the outcome of this in public, as its not very nice. And my Mama always said... oh, forget that.

    youshouldabeenupthereatthetop. craziness, I tell ya.

  3. Wow - so many super-creative people!

  4. This contest was great,it was like going on a Pub Crawl, only it was a Haunt Crawl with 64 Killer Home Haunts across United States, Canada, and even Germany. So great to see how creative home haunters are with their haunts, congratulations to the three winners.

  5. A "hauntcrawl" - that is very clever!!



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