I think I promised

you a cemetery picture.  Sorry, I do get easily distracted, and especially by LOLcats :)

So, for all the people that don't like cats.  Here is something dog related.....it may seem kinda sad at first thought.  But I have to tell you that I have been to Edinburgh castle at least a half dozen times, and every time....every single time I stop here and take a picture.  This place draws me in .....something sad, but so moving about putting a cemetery for the soldier's dogs that are stationed here inside the castle grounds.

No people get buried inside the grounds.....just the dogs.  That is pretty special. 

I know some people might find it creepy - but it makes my heart smile and tear up a bit at the same time.


  1. Am I correct in thinking these would be army service dogs, not pets?

  2. Awesome.
    I have quite few "petsemetary" photos myself. Something about them touches me like no other grave ever has. TFS!

  3. Yes, Debra - it is only their service dogs.

  4. I think it's a wonderful way to honour the animals that lived in service with the army. Very special.

  5. This is a nice way to honour the army service dogs.

  6. Wow, I recognized that spot immediately. I have a photo of the exact same location... taken back in 1983 when I went to Edinburgh with the parents on vacation. I always thought that was a very beautiful tribute to their beasties.

  7. What a wonderful way to honor the service dogs. I am always happy to find someone else who takes pictures in cemeteries. My kids think it a bit bizarre. BTW - LOL Cats lure me in too.


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