Husband is a big fan

of the web comic  Crt-Alt-Del (this is from his other comic called Sillies) - he sends me a copy of the strip from time to time if he thinks I will like it.  Today he sent me this one:

Since I commute a long way to and from work each day......that cracked me up!  So I collected a few more

And then I found out .......there is a death doll.  I really don't need more stuff.....but I am going to make an exception here. Who knew death could be so cute!!

CAD - Death plushie @
CAD - Death plushie design @ ©


  1. Heh heh....
    Nothing worse than a bad driver.

    Except maybe bad walkers.

  2. Who knew Death had a sense of irony, humor????

  3. Thanks for hipping me to that strip! Truly funny stuff! I'm definitely going to have to buy that Death plushie!


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