Usually, we go a few more places in a year

We usually attend some or at least one (distant) haunt convention - 2010 - we skipped all that to go to the UK. Wrap up from my travel journal. was very nice to make your acquaintance. You are quite lovely, I had a great time. You have so many places to see....Tintagel, Newlynd, St. Michael's Mount, The Merry Maidens, Penzance, Bodmin Moor, Boscastle (next time can you open the Witchcraft Museum, that would be lovely.) I put my hand on my heart and blow a special kiss to St. Just - I know you know this, but you have the most beautiful Norman church and graveyard - I thought my heart would forever belong to Sterling's graveyard.....but you proved me wrong. Seeing you was the highlight of my trip. And thanks for "Doc Martian" just finished watching.....and I enjoyed it immensely.

Stonehenge - well oh my, my dear, are you not a clever one. I know the Salisbury plain in famous for its unusual weather, I thought you had shown me everything........but snow?! You shouldn't have, but I am glad you did. BTW - you look exquisite in white.

Bath - it was lovely to see you again and this time you dressed the hills in snow.  You really know how to make a FQ feel special!  So sorry to see the heads are missing off the angels on the abbey, they were lovely. I imagine you miss them. You are a delightful city ....I will be back, you know I can never stay away from you too long.

Avebury/Salisbury Hill/Chalk hills - I know it is rude of me to have been by so many times and not stopped for a visit. Thanks for not talking it personal and showing me a lovely time. You are right Avebury....Stonehenge has nothing on you...

Castle Comb and Lacock - Oh my goodness you both exude charm. Tell me how you stay so good looking after all these years! :D Time capsules indeed! I cannot even express what an absolutely pleasant surprise it was to find you. Harry Potter, Stardust (Oh, swoon at a Neil Gaiman reference), and sound stage could match your beauty and charm.

West Kilbride - Had a great time, you were lovely. Cozy castle, lovely beach, and interesting graveyard......But, how do I say this gently? It is me, not you. I just don't think it is going to work - it was nice to meet you. But I probably will not be coming round your way again. We can still be friends right?

Edinburgh - What can I say - I will never, ever tire of you. You are the love of my life (when it comes to cities) - I adore you now more than ever....we will be back, hopefully someday....for good.

Loch Ness - Are you not full of surprises?! Was not looking forward to the very long drive and yet again....not seeing "nessy", but I went, and you, you showed me something quite astounding. I have never see a loch (or a lake for that matter) look like you did that day....the water was jewel-like royal blue against the gray sky with the light shining off the white birch trees. Took my breath away (almost literally it was so windy) - I took a picture, but it is not the same. Forget your "monster", your magic is in your beauty.

Sterling - always a pleasure to see you again. Lovely castle and the color of the main hall is growing on me. You are a handsome and welcoming town....and so full of history (although be it very bloody - but that is Scotland isn't it?) Looking forward to seeing your new Bannockburn Center, the plans look marvelous! You remind me of my true love. Don't mention this to anyone; I have your number, if things so not work out between me and Edinburgh.....I promise to give you a call.

St. Andrews -as noble and charismatic as ever - you never cease to delight anyone I introduce you to. I wish I had that effect on people.

Glasgow - nice, but you are not Edinburgh, nor would you want to be. You have a breathtaking beautiful church (I always admire a survivor) and a truly unique and magnificent cemetery. I am sure I will see you again, over a glass or two of champagne, my treat.

Cardiff -You have a beer called "Brains" - that is brilliant and a perfect example of the charm of your least the ones I could understand (that Glaswegian is as difficult as Highland Scottish!) You are a charmer you.....I can see why so many people fancy you. Love it or hate it - without Doctor Who/Torchwood - I might never have found you and that would have been sad.

Only regret on the whole trip - drove by a fence post with a Jack o'Lantern on it!!! In the middle of nowhere, I cannot remember - one of the many one lane hedge rowed lanes in Cornwall where one person has to back up if another is coming......It would have made a lovely picture....but I did not want to make the driver stop...back up and potentially hit someone. For narrow one lane roads....they drive fast :D

Nice to see you again UK. We plan to be back in 2013, don't tell Ireland we are coming, it is going to be surprise.....keep a light on for us.


  1. Oh no, the Boscastle Witchcraft Museum was closed the day you were there? Too bad!

    Your trip sounds delightful. But you're a bit of a floozy, aren't you, spreading your affections around so liberally?

  2. Oh, I have been to so many of these same places and your journal entries were just perfect for reminiscing! thanks for sharing these!

  3. Love your travel diary! So many places I'd love to see.

  4. How were the pasties(rhymes with nasty, not hasty as that would be a nipple covering and usually not edible) in Cornwall?? I have had mixed reports on them. There are a number of places here in the states where Cornish miners worked where pasties are still around.

    When in grad school, The Old Lady mentioned how we make pasties with a filling of meat, potato, onion, and rutabaga to a fellow student from Great Britain. Her reaction was, "You put 'Swedes' in pasties??"

  5. Oh how exquisitely wonderful your trip sounds! I haven't been in blog land for awhile, so I may have missed this....but I'd really love to know if you all took any specific tour for this trip, and if so, which one. It sounds JUST like what I want to do, but I have NO idea where to even begin to plan a trip like this. Any links, info, hints or anything you could forward me, I'd be eternally grateful for. I'd especially like to include Ireland in our trip, so anything you might have that includes that would be even better.

    So glad you all had such a good time...although it does sound like it was cold there. I might need to go when it's warmer. Brrrr Also...A Very Happy New Year!


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