So, I am updating my iPod

and reloading some old songs and I run across, Tim Finn's "Say it is So" CD from a few years back. I have not heard that song in a while, let's give that a listen shall we?

Anyway......I am listening to this one song while I am working and I think......THIS IS THAT ONE THAT HAD THE REALLY BAD ZOMBIE VIDEO!!! Ah, how could I have forgotten that one!!!

Lots of blood, zombie backup dancers. bad talking skulls and some really cheap tombstones!!! What could be better than that??!?!

Must run to computer and find it on YouTube.

So, here is a low budget music video from New Zealand from the mighty talented Tim Finn. I believe all the videos for this CD were done by local film students or something.....but it is worth a watch. Looks like he had a lot of fun.


  1. ok.... I stopped the video at 0.45.... scared the hell out of me hahaha


  2. Hahaha, very funny. I was not scared at all. The fx are just too funny and exagerated.

  3. Making my day a little brighter, one blog at a time =D

  4. I had never seen that video before, its catchy. I don't know what was funnier the tombstones swaying and bending, or how squirty and spurty everything was. I loved that he lost his hand, and then latter you can clearly see it poking out of his sleeve.


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