I forgot to mention

that the open house went really well.  It was sunny and clear, and everyone had a great time.  Thanks to the Milwaukie High School Dance Team for performing all day, the Coffin Cruisers for bring by their rides and to Matt Huntly for again doing the makeup....and thanks to Dawn (again) for these pictures.


  1. Wow great pictures! Thanks for posting these!

    Blessings and Merry Samhain!


  2. THAT IS SO COOL!!!! I love, Love, LOVE the pictures! Creepiest fun ever!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow! You even have your own zombie dance troop for your yard haunt! Your cemetery is gorgeous. I would love to do something on that scale but our new place is on a hill and I've had to come up with some creative solutions for our cemetery fence post this year... I have a proof of concept post out in yard currently testing out my new mounting design. New house gets some nasty winds up on the hill, but we use to get some bad winds at the old house as well. Have a happy Halloween!

  4. *laughs* indeed the coolest thing -how fun! Stole and posted your zombie video too! Most awesome <3

  5. My favorite it the Cemetary sign...It took several trys to get that shot the way I saw it in my head.

  6. stopped by from mrs b's blog - love your blog!!!


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