Our local Portland paper

(the Oregonian) does not do anything this cool.  We were a little miffed that our local paper did an article on the Extreme Home Makeover thing and did not mention that a local group helped.  Not that we wanted the attention, just shows how or local paper has really gotten less "local" and more national.  Not bitter at all that they fired our friend writer Margie either :)  NO, not at all :D

Look what I found on the cover of The Columbian - a paper for the Vancouver area (US, not BC) where I work across the river and in another state.

They did a complete listing of home haunts!

Front page of the online version.

That is just super cool of them.

I noticed that my friends in Camas are not on here.....going to have to give Dave a call and see if he can be on this list.   If I get a chance I might drive by on my lunch to see if any of them are up on Friday :)

Do any of your local papers have a home haunt listing?  I would love to see them!


  1. It's a sad trend going on with newspapers everywhere....
    But awesome link from the Columbian!

  2. I was really suprised that one of ours put together a list and a map of haunts. You had to submit your entry, but it was pretty cool that they did it. They even used one of my pictures online for the "Tell us about your spooky displays" link. I'm getting ready to take a drive and get a look at some of them in a bit here.

  3. I wish our paper did a home haunt listing/map. For all I know they do...I never pick up the paper. (I live vicariously through the Internet. Eeeek! There, I've admitted it!)


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