I have got to find time

to go shopping before these are gone.

I am a HUGE fan of Lush bath products.  I discovered them about 15 years or so ago when I was traveling in the UK.  I practically filled a suit case with bath bars.  For years I had to mail order them from Canada.  I once dreamed of being the first US Lush store.....I got distracted and next thing I knew, they were stores in the US!! Sad I missed the opportunity, but happy that their products are much closer now.

For the past few years they have done some Halloween themed products.  Last year I completely missed them - and almost did this year.

Looks like they are doing a Day of the Dead themed product line this year....oh, I so need some of these soaps!!

Brimming with citrus

Now we know the shape is a bit unconventional, but we dare you to resist this brightly coloured, fruit laden hat of spectacular citrus suds! Lady Catrina's sweet scent comes from Agave nectar, which we're thrilled to use because it's a vegan alternative to honey. And no, you can't wear it. Well you could, but you'd look awfully silly when it rains!

Artistic inspiration

"The Lady Catrina" was an illustration done by Mexican artist Jose Guadalupe Posada in the early 20th century, and has since become an iconic image for Day of the Dead. The drawing features a female skeleton wearing a huge, wide brimmed hat topped with mounds of fruit and flowers. 

And I will need some of these for my bath

Calavera Ballistic
Recover from spooky nights

Sadly, there isn't any tequila in this brightly coloured bomb but we were sure to fill it up with marigold petals and zesty lime oil to make your bath time festive! Celebrate the season with burst of citrus and massive swirls of oranges, pinks and greens to lift your spirits out of this world.

Day of the Dead

Calaveras (skulls, in Spanish) are an iconic image for Day of the Dead celebrations. Day of the Dead is a Mexican tradition that honors and respects the dead. We were so inspired by the idea that this time of year could be filled with love instead of scary creatures, that our products are full of Day of the Dead imagery and ingredients

And who would not want little skull jelly soaps for the shower

Calacas Jelly

Refreshing jelly rainbow

Why have just one vibrantly coloured jelly, when you could have three? We were inspired by the colourful flags that are hung across windows and door frames during Day of the Dead, and couldn't possibly resist creating our own rainbow of jellies! The colour you will receive in your order is a surprise! All have the same zesty citrus fragrance.

Sweet, jiggly treat

Sugar skulls are an iconic image used in the Day of the Dead celebrations. You can see them everywhere in Mexico in November; all painted, flowery and truly beautiful. We created our own little wiggly skulls of seaweed and aloe vera gel to leave you soft and gorgeous, and filled them with neroli and lime oils to put you in the mood to celebrate. Felicidades!

Lime Oil

Lime oil has a fresh, sharp, zesty scent. We use lime oil in our Calacas shower jellies for its ability to tone and decongest the skin

So a trip to my local Lush store is definitely in my future. :)

BTW - My all time favorite products from them are:

Snow Fairy shower gel (smells like candy floss - cotton candy to us Americans) buy the largest bottle they have every holiday season....yes,I know it is pink.  I can bend my rules....sometimes!

Silky underwear Dusting Powder  is my favorite body powder.

Amandopondo Bubble Bar and Bathos Bar are my favorite bubble bath bars.

All time favorite product has to be Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds Bubble Bar if they ever quit making this....my bath days may be over.


  1. Ah, I love those creative kinds of soaps....
    Of course, I always feel like they're for decoration, and never want to actually use them!

  2. I love LUSH!!

    Can't wait to try these out.


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