So, how did he do?

Tot (trick or treater) held up pretty good most of Sunday, he posed for lots of photos with the kids and a few adults.  He got tired of hold is pumpkin fell off half way through the day....funny, many of the kids thought he was real. :)

Looking forward to putting him outside the fence the weekend of Halloween and see how many people will think he is a real trick or treater.

I have been thinking of making small 12" high table decoration versions for the Etsy store.  Would anyone be interested?

Back to prop making!!


  1. Did you monster mud him? I'm thinking of doing something similar or a Sam from Trick 'R Treat to have set up on the porch for next year.

  2. You could probably sell full size ones without a problem as well. I know I would want to buy one. It would be cool to have one that looked like E.T. was under the sheet. :)

  3. I thought of you this morning when I was referred to a site featuring, not LOLcats, but LOLspiders:

    I'll understand if you dont' go and check it out!

  4. That's really cool. I think I'm going to have something similar to that on my porch this year. Yours probably looks better. And by "probably" I mean "certainly."

  5. What a great idea! You should sell these!

  6. Sounds awesome!
    You know, when I was a kid, I wanted to go out dressed as a ghost one Halloween, but my mom couldn't figure out how to make a decent ghost costume. I thought it was supposed to be the easiest one to do, but apparently, it's not.

    I'm still disappointed by that year.

  7. this little guy is adorable! yeah, I bet you'd sell a bunch of these on etsy!

  8. You are totally awesome. To fend for the kids, he does look pretty real...

  9. He looks great. It really does look like a child is under there.

  10. I'll take one small one and one full size version please and thank you..

  11. This little Tot looks amazingly real. No doubt many kids thought he was real. I bet even adults will be mistaken by it. Great job!

    And yes, I think you should add smaller version to your Etsy store. They will certainly sell.


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