I married a geek

and I do love my computer programming prop building husband....and his (actually our) obsession with Make magazine.  If you have not seen Make magazine you must check it out.  All kinds of cool and useless time wasting goodness. 

I mean who does not need a cat toy that sends a tweet every time your cat plays with it (KittyTwitty).  I mean, that has got to be the most amazingly fun time waster ever dreamed into existence.  OMG - I so don't want one.  My cats already think they own the world :)

Anyway, a great magazine that is not to be missed. Especially this time of year.

Well, every year they do a prop building contest.  We have never entered because we are lazy (the EFX-Tek crew would love us to...), but lots of others have submitted some awesome work.  Check this like to see what cool props have been entered in the 2010 Make Magazine DIY Haunts Project contest.

Better yet, submit your masterpiece.  They offer some mighty nice prizes!

Right now....the front porch prop dropper is my favorite.....I really like it because it is NOT part of Spiderfest2010 - I would have died if someone sent that to me.  That is f*&^%$ evil!

Now, back to prop builiding!!!


  1. Hhhhhmmm.....not really sure I want to show this to my Hubby until after the semester is over! LOL
    Very cool site! Thanks for the tip. Now back to check out more of the cool stuff....


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