My, what a large chest you have

why thank you. It is where I store my treasure. :D

Here is the unfinished donation box. People are always stuffing money in our comment box, which is kinda small and hard to get change out of, so this year we decided to create a donation box.

Toph came up with a sketch of a cool wooden box held up by two small mud monks.

So, husband made this wooden chest out of cheap wood from Home Depot and then he remembered that he had some molds of metal chest pieces.

Really you ask? Seriously, how many of us have mold for casting faux metal chest pieces? :0

My uncle had made these years ago, I guess he used to make trunks and sell them at craft markets....well, my brother got them....and then gave them to me thinking that I might be able to use them for something someday.

And someday arrived a few weeks ago.

We cast the front pieces (that would get touched the most) out of resin (when we were casting the hand) and the back pieces (that will likely never be seen, in expanding foam.
We used the heat gun to make both the resin and foam pieces bendable and then attached them to the box with polyurethane construction glue.
We used a bit of caulking to fill some of the gaps in the top of the chest to keep it from filling with rain.

We then took the Great Stuff we used to age the metal bands and put it on all the resin and foam hinge and lock pieces.

We then sprayed it black and got it ready for painting.

Finished pictures on the way.


  1. You two are some crafty pirates! That is where you put your booty!

  2. Frog - that is sweet! The final product is fantastic! No, I am one of those who doesn't have any chest mould laying around either.

  3. You just never know when you'll need molds for metal chest pieces. :) Looks great!

  4. That is to cool, wish I lived near to see your halloween display in person it looks so awesome.

  5. That looks amazing! Simply beautiful! Wonderful job =)


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