Help yourself

to some Davis Graveyard swag!

I have been cleaning up the basement a bit, tracking down all my Halloween goodies and organizing stuff for this year and found some Davis Graveyard items to give away.

This is an easy giveaway, just post a comment, on this post and I will draw a name from the list in one week.

You get a Davis Graveyard travel coffee mug and two bottles of Davis Graveyard Jones Soda. One is cola and the other is orange soda - going more for he Halloween colors rather than flavor.

These sodas are very limited edition. I only made a case of each flavor. The only other way to get these is to win them as a door prize at our party.

Good luck! Oh, and yes, I will ship will ship these out of the country.


  1. ME! Memememeemmemememeeeeeeeme! ME!
    Thank you.

  2. I have always wanted to do the My Jones Soda bit but stupid me didn't think of it for Halloween! This is a great idea for a haunt or Halloween party. Love it!!

  3. LOL - I might as well comment on *this* post; be sure to check out my blog post of today.

    Cheers, dear! That soda is too neat. I didn't know you could get custom labels.

  4. The soda is cool, But I'm wanting that mug! Throw my name in the hat please.

  5. Hey Queenie I left you a follow up message on my blog

  6. Aw, man, those are the coolest Jones labels I have. ever. seen.

    I don't think it is right for me to enter since I have already won one of your give aways, but just wanted to say those are the coolest EVER!

  7. ya know I have to comment on this..your very own Jones Soda...too cool for words

  8. This is veey cool!

  9. Personalized Jones Soda??? I had no idea. Count me in :)

  10. Frog Queen - Jones...yum! The labels are sweet as hell too. And there's a mug included? I'd like to throw my name in here as well,

  11. Popping in to say hello & wish you a lovely weekend.

    Hope you like your Frog Prince!

    PS: Thanks too for the link. '-)

    Chris :-)

  12. I'm Jonesing for some Jones too. Apropros, since my name is Jones!

  13. I LOVE JONES SODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wont drink these though! They are collectibles!

    Hope I win!

  14. mmmm I want much especially the orange.

  15. Great giveaway. I haven't had Jones soda in yers.

  16. I need to start a Halloween collection in my basement. So that I can have awesome stuff to give out.


  17. graveyards are so beautiful! on jones sodas is even more amazing. i've been fascinated by graveyards ever since i was a little kid. there is just something about them. gorgeous labels. thank you for having this giveaway. i wouldn't know where to find these.


  18. Sweet deal, That travel mug looks great! Here's hoping I'm picked.

  19. I'm in! Here's to hoping to add to my Halloween collection :D


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